Essential Eligibility Criteria

Gap Year Solutions is committed to supporting the learning and personal growth of all students. Our Essential Eligibility Criteria (EEC) helps ensure that the students with whom we work will be an optimal fit for Gap Years and for our services. In addition to these general criteria, Gap Year programs and other Gap year activities including jobs, internships and local service opportunities will have their own requirements for participation.

General Expectations

  • Gap Year students are open-minded, curious, courageous and willing to try new things. They accept that the year ahead will present some uncertainty, and because they have agency, they also accept responsibility for the outcome of this time.
  • Students are choosing to take a Gap Year of their own volition, and will be embracing the learning opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
  • During the Gap Year planning phase and during the Gap Year itself, students will be expected to take initiative, ask questions and seek help to obtain information, solve problems and address concerns.
  • Gap Year Solutions serves as a guide and mentor during the Gap Year planning process, and will suggest options for different experiences, introduce students to programs, and discuss pros and cons of different approaches. Students are expected to make final decisions on the composition of the Gap Year plan.
  • Students will always abide by policies and rules of Gap Year programs, including drug and alcohol use

Physical and Mental Health

  • It is important to inform Gap Year Solutions and selected Gap Year programs about any physical limitations that would impact the student’s ability to participate in certain activities
  • Students choosing to participate in outdoor activities must be in appropriate physical condition to complete long hikes, travel and other activities requiring physical stamina
  • For any independent or group travel, students should be able to properly care for themselves in terms of nutrition, sleep, medications, hygiene, etc.
  • It is important to be fully transparent with Gap Year Solutions and Gap Year programs about any behavioral, psychological or other therapeutic issues. This includes medications and/or other ongoing therapies that would need to be accommodated. (Some programs will not be able to accommodate certain therapeutic needs of students.)

Engagement and Attitude

  • Respect for others, tolerance and appropriate group behavior are essential
  • Students are willing to work with others of diverse ethnicities, backgrounds, and socioeconomic status.
  • Students can maintain a positive attitude and overcome challenges with tenacity and a collaborative spirit.
  • Culturally appropriate behavior, including abiding by dress codes and other norms is expected at all times, as is the willingness to engage with new cultures

Safety & Risk Mitigation

  • Student can endure a variety of travel situations (depending on itinerary) and adapt to local conditions
  • Students are strongly encouraged to obtain First Aid and CPR certification prior to beginning of Gap Year.
  • Student listens to program staff or manager, recognizes risks, and adapts well to changing circumstances
  • Students have ultimate responsibility for their own personal property
  • The methods of reporting unsafe conditions, criminal acts including against their property and other hazards are very clear to the student in each setting during their Gap Year
  • If engaged in independent travel, student must be able to exercise good judgment and know how to ask questions and seek help if needed. This includes situations that may not be in student’s native language.
  • Students know their own limitations and stressors, and have a plan for managing their physical and mental well-being while traveling

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